NTCH Nova av Viddashusky

Nova and Hilma at the finish line of TromsQuest January 2023. Photo: Monica A Sundset.

Nova is the smartest husky I have ever known. Nothing can fence her in - except of course the new roof that we have now built above the dog yard to keep her from climbing out. She is also the only one among our huskies that I trust with our cats. In many ways I think she IS a cat!! She is beautifully built - slim, athletic and long legged. I love the way she moves - completely effortless and at really high speeds. She proved to be an extremely robust and hard working sled dog during Finnmarksløpet - never showing any stiffness or soreness during the race. She knows all the commands and can work at all positions in the team. She is hardworking and focused except when bored! And she is really good at resting when possible! Whenever the team stops she immediately lays down to take a snow bath and power nap! Super efficient! Nova is of course one of members in our A-team of long-distance athletes. She turned four years in February and has completed all races including Finnmarksløpet 600 km with no injuries. She is sweet tempered, social, talkative, uncomplicated, playful, happy and everybody´s darling with the softest fur and the best husky kisses.

Nova selected us - and we are so grateful to have her in our life!

Name: N TCH Nova av Viddashusky
Registration number: NO45468/19
Born: Feb 15 2019
Breeder: Ragne K Smuk and Leif Herleiksplass, Vesterelva og Viddas Husky
Weight: 18 kg (April 2020)
Height: 56 cm
Health: Perfect results on gonioscopy and eye check / all normal February 28 2020 (1 year old)
Heat: May 20 2024, Jan 2 2025


Beaskadas 300 (DNF, scratched after 130 km)
HomerunRace 100 km in Finnmark, Feb 6-7 2021 (Bergebyløpet was cancelled due to corona and run as a Homerun Race instead)

Beaskádas 300 Homerun Race 166 km (12/16)
VOM Homerun Race 36 km
Bergebyløpet N70 240 km (12/16)
Finnmarksløpet FL600 finisher March 2022 (38/62)

Beaskádas 300 245 km (12/16)
TromsQuest 60 km (3/7)
Bergebyløpet N70 240 km (13/16)
Herringen Trail 50 km (4/4)
Trekkhundprøve Alapmoen 21.7 km (1/4)

Beskádas 300 100 km (1/3)
TromsQuest 20 km RNB1 (1/6)
Bergebyløpet N70 110 km (3/5)
Pasvik Trail 50 km (2/3)

Sled dog merits

1st price at Beaskádas 300 (245 km)
1st price at TromsQuest (60 km)
3rd price at Herringen Trail (50 km)
1st price at Trekkhundprøve Alapmoen (21.7 km)

1st price at Beaskádas 300 (100 km)
1st price at TromsQuest (20 km)
1st price at Bergebyløpet N70 (110 km)

Dog shows

National dogshow in Tromø 25.08.19 HP 1.BTK BIR (puppy)
National dogshow in Skjomen 01.09.19 HP 1.BTK BIR (puppy)

National dogshow in Tromsø 29.08.2020 G. AK
Judge Hans Almgren, Sweden: "1 og 1/2 år. Lett tispe. Der hodet og kropp behøver å utvikles da ulike saker mangler. Substans. Store ører. Kunne ha bedre pigment noen partier. Bra halslengde. Tilstrekkelig benstamme. Hun rører seg med bra steg. Parallelt bak. Savner harmoni og tilstrekkelig sosial trening for utstilling. Bruk mye tid."

Three years later Nova was back in the ring and got her well deserved excellent and CQ (champion quality):

National dogshow in Tromsø 10.06.2023 EXC.BK 1.BKK CK R.CERT 2.BTK (2. beste tispe i konkurransen) 
Judge Benny Blidh Von Schedvin, Sweden: "Kraftfull tik samtidig elegant og med fin rastyp, feminint velformad hode, lite stora øron, bra hals og rygg, bra brøstdjup, markerad førbrøst, bra benstamme og vinklar, effektive rørelser og lite urfeld pels, bra helhet"
With this result from the show ring - in addition to her three 1st price merits from races, Nova closed her sled dog / working championate and became a "N TCH". Application granted 12.06.2023. 

Natonal dogshow in Tromsø 11.06.2023 EXC.BK 1.BKK (brukshundklasse)
Judge Anne-Chaterine Edoff, Sverige: "Feminin, bra skalle, lite lett nosparti noget svak kjeve, bra øgon, bra hals og manke, står med stram rygg, avrunde kors, passende brystforhold, bra ben og tassar, lite innstabil i sin hasle, lite efftergivande i sin rygglinje, mykke bra pels, velgående i siden med velbuende svans."

Nova av Viddashusky in the natinal dog show in Tromsø June 10th 2023 closing her N TCH. Photo: Silje K Helgesson

Easter 2022 with Nova and the pack at Ringvassøya. 

Nova in lead with Skádja at Finnmarksløpet 600. Photo: Emi Dahlman @ingenkake

Ida-Helene with our lead dogs Nova (in training) and Skádja (main leader) after a 42km training in minus 40 degrees Celsius in Finnmark February 2021. Photo: Monica A. Sundset. Video from the same day (by Monica A Sundset, edited by Sverre-Leander Sundset).

Nova with Ida-Helene and William

